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Aunty Em, Aunty Em!

It's WINDY. I was woken up this morning (no, not just now, I've been up for a few hours <.g>) by a loud CRACK. Shelley, you'll be interested to know that you now have a less-obstructed view out your balcony window. A big tree right outside our apartment fell on a car. Ouch. Sarah called the police, because it was blocking the entire road as well. I don't believe the owner of the car is yet aware, even though the police and tree-cutting men have been out there for two hours removing the tree from the car/road. I'm just glad I didn't park my car on the street last night!!


I sorry, but all of ya'll are ok, right? no one or nothing hurt, i hope :( saddness, kinda freaky too, where are you K? I need to vent. AHHH! later gator

Yup, we're all good. No one was around when it fell, or anything. Just kinda scary to hear it crack. It was a good-sized tree!! I'm here, C... I got here 5 minutes after you signed off. =( So I guess you can vent tomorrow? Sorry!

oh my goodness, that's scary!!!!

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