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Jon Brandis!

Not to be perpetuating rumors or anything, but I've heard a bit of talk that Jonathan Brandis died. Haven't found a real news story, other than the Cleveland paper that reported it, but it kind of sounds legit. How sad!! Jonathan Brandis was my Sekrit Boyfriend in junior high. My first big celebrity crush. I even had a binder of pictures and articles cut from teenybopper magazines. Ha ha. I think I've still got it, somewhere. <.sniff>

In other news, my class is OVER! This means no more staying laaaaaate on Tuesdays. Also, no more lots-of-overtime, but that's okay. I can actually work out on Tuesdays again. Whee! Good stuff.

Hmm. Nothing much else to say. I guess I'll blowdry my hair now.


in australia we didnt even hear about JB's death is sad ....

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