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Two years... and three days?

I had planned this to be my "Look at me, I've been blogging for exactly two years!" post, because I had in my head that November 4, 2001 was the day I started all this madness. Looking back at my archives, the first entries say November 1, 2001. So. Either things got converted slightly off when I moved from Blogger to Movable Type, or this is now my "Look at me, I've been blogging for exactly two years and three days!" post.

For an anniversary post, I unfortunately don't have much exciting to say.

JC's first single, "Some Girls (Dance With Women)" dropped on Atlanta's Q100 yesterday. The word on the street is that it's playing there and in Miami (Y100?). This means I need to start emailing the radio stations here. And possibly calling KIIS in LA again. Heh. Because I don't have anything better to do.....



I tried calling last night and got your message this morning--I'll give you a ring tonight!!


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