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Musical Theatre

In the past three days, I've seen three musicals. Er, well, both Thursday night and Saturday night I saw the same show, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, as performed by my old high school. Sandwiched in between was The Lion King downtown.

Joseph was amazing. There is SO much talent in that school, and T, the boy who played Joseph, was just phenomenal. He gave me chills, quite literally, more than once. I remember him as the little squirt in my children's choir's Advanced Choir. He was eight, and I was thirteen or fourteen, and he could sing circles around any of us, even then. And now, at seventeen, he just blows me away. He'll go far. What I wouldn't give for a recording of that performance last night!

Lion King was excellent, as well. It was freezing in the theatre, though, so that broke my concentration a lot. Still, the boy who played Young Simba was fabulous. Everyone was great. Good show!

After the Lion King, I went out to a couple of places with Aarti and her friend Mary. Being Halloween, we all dressed up. It was fun. I was a Tavern Girl, which I feel was cheating a little bit, as I bought the costume. I have never, in my entire life, worn a store-bought Halloween costume, and it felt wrong. But the one I was putting together myself just wasn't coming together as much as I'd hoped. I couldn't find a shirt, and that was an important component. Anyway.

It was good fun to see Aarti again, however briefly it was. We went to IKEA on Wednesday, and to dinner with my parents at Houlihan's, and then to Blockbuster, where we purchased a bunch of movies. Hee. I got How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Chicago, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and Chocolat for $45. Three of them were previously viewed and one was new, so. Not too bad. On Thursday, Aarti and I went to see the aforementioned Joseph, and on Friday, we did the Halloween thing. It was a good couple of days.

Today, I'm catching up on relaxation. I have a three-day weekend! Whoo! Monday AND Saturday off. Niiiiiiice. I rarely have either of those days off, let alone both. And I don't really have any plans. I need to go to the library, as I have nothing to read on my lunch, but that's it. Feels wonderful.

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