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Saturday, 8/23/08: High School... again

So, it's been ten years since I graduated high school. SCARY. And bizarre. Out of my class of 650-something, about 250 showed up to the reunion. It felt very much like a freshman year Homecoming dance for the first bit, while everyone sort of trickled in and then stood around squinting awkwardly at people's name tags. *laugh* It was actually pretty nice, and I got back in touch with a few people I hadn't talked to in the last decade. I also got to hang out with a good chunk of my "group" from high school, all in one place, which hasn't really happened since I moved away, so that was fun. There were several people I would've liked to have seen who didn't come, but maybe I'll be able to track some of them down anyway. All in all, worth the trip home, I think.

Also going along with the high school dance theme: Em and Frank and Gen and I all drove together, and we met at my parents' house. My dad made us stand on the front lawn in a line and took our picture. Definite flashbacks. *laugh* Oh, Dad, I love you...

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