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November 3, 2007

November 3, 2007
Originally uploaded by kayay1
This is what I felt like after work this afternoon. I didn't actually sleep, but I wanted to. Oh, I wanted to!

We're doing some kind of big conversion this weekend, and for reasons I completely understand, but very much dislike, we had to operate offline today. To complicate matters even more, our entire system went down about halfway through the morning, giving us absolutely NO access to customer information. We probably should not have been open, as there seems to be a lot of opportunity for mistakes and potential losses when we're doing transactions without any information, but y'know. That's bad for business. Or something. It was probably the single busiest day I have encountered, with lines out the door, made all that much worse by the fact that every transaction took about twice as long.

Anyway. We made it, and I just wanted to come home and *crash*. I sort of passed through my exhausted stage and entered a lethargic-but-awake stage, which I will take full advantage of as Monday's going to be a real treat for sure, with reentering all of today's work once the system's back in online mode. Yippee!

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