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March 3, 2007

March 3, 2007
Originally uploaded by kayay.
Almost on a whim, I drove up to Santa Barbara today to meet up with Gen, who was there for a karate thing, and visit Elaina and Danny, who we hadn't seen in, gosh, months. We first played pool (at which I suck fantastically) at an Irish pub, then went bowling in Ventura.

This is Danny, being a ginormous dork. In fact, we were all pretty much huge goobers. I think you have to be when bowling, what with the goobertastic 80's and 90's music and everything. There was singing, and may have even been dancing along to the music, but nobody can prove it. NOBODY. And I did bowl a 135 on my last game, which was pretty good for me. All in all? FUN.

Right now, I'm eating/chewing Razzles (remember? First it's candy... then it's gum!), which I definitely haven't had since childhood, and didn't even know still existed. Also, I've got "Playin' With the Boys" on repeat in my head.

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