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2006 In Review

So, it's 2007. I feel this will be a good year. It's the year that will hold my Golden Birthday (27 on the 27th, albeit eleven months from now), it's an odd-numbered year (I'm weird, I like odd numbers best)... so yes. 2007 is looking optimistic. *laugh*

I've been terrible at posting, so I thought I'd do a "quick and dirty" summary of the last few months. Then I thought I'd do an entire 2006 round-up, but didn't manage to finish it IN 2006. So here it is:

2006 in Review

JANUARY: Was with Caitlin when she discovered her apartment had been broken into. Almost got evicted from my apartment over two tiny, adorable, 100% Love kittens. Had a movie film in our apartment; almost got evicted over a broken sliding glass door and said filming. Won a battle to get the security deposit back from the apartment I'd vacated the previous November. It was a month in Apartment Hell, really.

FEBRUARY: Went to Las Vegas with Gen, Meghan and Elenid, where a random guy won $900 using my number in roulette and split his winnings with us. Saw Avenue Q. Bought my laptop. Read a lot of books.

MARCH: Was an extra in the independent film Jake and Ryan are making, got my first SAG hours, should I ever feel compelled to, you know, join SAG. Which I won't. Anyway.

APRIL: My parents drove the car out for my sister to use during her 3-month internship, and she arrived by plane a day later. Our toilet broke and the landlords blamed us. Our kitchen sink backed up and overflowed brown water all over the floor and the landlords blamed us. This actually happened twice. And I "helped out" at the Simi Valley office for two weeks.

MAY: I was offered a promotion to move to the Simi Valley office, fretted over it for many days, and finally accepted the position. Aarti came to visit.

JUNE: Started working crazy-long hours and six-day weeks at work. Had many staffing issues; conducted my first interviews. Went to see Les Miserables.

JULY: Mom came out to drive Jess home from her internship. The three of us went to Vegas, saw Love and Mystere. Had to present my Franchise Review to twelve executives of the bank. Had two more employees resign. Was mostly miserable at work. Survived the Hottest Day Ever in Los Angeles (119*F). The Hallmark Channel filmed a movie with Lea Thompson at my office.

AUGUST: Still mostly miserable at work. Saw Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore at the movies.

SEPTEMBER: Had tiny biting bugs at work that feasted on my legs. EW. Finally got fully-staffed (although not yet a fully-trained staff) at work.

OCTOBER: Got cable TV and internet! One of my new (but crazy) employees resigned. Had my first Saturday off work and had to go in because the cash vault wouldn't open. Walked in the LA AIDS Walk. A movie with Lacey Chabert filmed at my apartment building. Fretted lots about the upcoming audit at work.

NOVEMBER: Fretted more about the audit. Went to see Borat "with" Michael Rosenbaum. Voted. Went to see Aerosmith at the Hollywood Bowl. Got increasingly irritated with my boss. Turned 26. WAS AUDITED AT WORK.

DECEMBER: Had my first ever pedicure. Went to the company Christmas party. Karey visited! Tub and shower backed up and flooded the bathroom. Went home to Chicago for Christmas! Saw The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and Shear Madness. Saw lots of friends. Decided it's been a pretty good year, 2006.


Today I go back to California. *sigh* It's so nice to be home. Be with family and friends who have known me for half my life (the friends, I mean, not the family. They've known me all my life. *g*). There are some things I'm looking forward to getting back to, although WORK is not one of them.

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