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Wednesday's Hump Day

I still have not bought all my Christmas gifts. *checks calendar* Yep, it'd be December 22 today.

Tomorrow, I head for home. Not to arrive until Christmas Eve, as I'm taking the red-eye. My only concern is that I'm going to get really sleepy waiting for the time to board the plane, and that'd be torture. No one to talk to on the phone to keep me awake at 11 pm Pacific time!

Just like last night. I went out to dinner after work. We left the restaurant about 10:30, and I asked what the quickest way home might be (the restaurant was in a part of the Valley I'd never been). He says "Oh, the freeway's right there, that'll be your best bet."

Um. So, less than a mile after getting on the freeway, we stop. Like, STOP. Dead stopped with no one even inching forward. I knew it was a bad sign when moments later a firetruck and more than a half-dozen police cars wound their way through the gridlock. When emergency vehicles get on after you do, you know you're there at exactly the rightwrong time. Yee-haw. We were stuck for the better part of 45 minutes. Turn-off-your-car-and-wait stopped. People were getting out, stretching, walking around, trying to see if there was any hope of getting out of there by morning.

Oh, how I wished someone in the world had been awake to jabber at me. Heh.

Once they finally managed to open the farthest right lane of traffic and we bottlenecked and then finally made it through, everything was smooth sailing. Until I got to my exit, which was inexplicably closed (roadwork?). I had to go halfway to Hollywood before I found an exit that was open (that wasn't an exit leading to yet another freeway), and had to make my way back towards home. Needless to say, I rolled in just after midnight, an hour and a half after leaving the restaurant, for what should have been no more than a 15 minute trip at that time of night. *collapses*

Anyway, good morning all! Forecast for the day: Busy with a touch of annoying. Also, sunny and 70, with a bit of wind off the ocean.

Why why why did I check the outlook for Chicago? *shivers* I'ma need my winter coat to meet me at the airport, that's for damn sure.

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