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Thanksgiving Week

What a week! Worked Monday, had Tuesday off. Worked Wednesday, had Thursday off. Worked Friday and today. Have tomorrow and Monday off. And then the schedule returns to normal. Whew!

Let's see. Tuesday, I got a lot of Christmas shopping done. My dad also got a new car. It's niiiiiiice. I call dibs on buying it out when the lease is up.

Wednesday, work. Hmm. Nothing much exciting, I don't think. Saw Brother Bear. Cute movie. Enjoyed it.

Thursday, my birthday. I'm 23 now. Ahhhh!! That's almost THIRTY! Scary, that! Thursday, if you recall, was also Thanksgiving. So it was a bit of a stressful day. We cleaned, cooked, cleaned, hosted, cleaned, ate, cleaned, and cleaned some more. We must have run the dishwasher a dozen times, not counting the things we washed by hand. Yeesh! But it was good. My cousin is really nice to hang around with. Now that he will be heading off to college next year, we've got things to talk about. My mom's parents were up in Wisconsin with my other cousins, and they were missed. We had a smaller crowd this year, due to the one set of grandparents as well as my uncle's girlfriend being elsewhere, but it was nice. We all fit at one table, which hasn't happened in AGES. After the meal (and eating WAY too much!), the fam and I went to see Master and Commander. I think I like it better now, remembering it, than I did when I was actually watching it. It was a bit gory, and I'm not a huge Russell Crowe fan, but it was a pretty decent movie.

Friday, I worked. I was scheduled to go in at 10, but no one told me. Bah. They had revised the schedule to give me a late start after my birthday, but didn't think to inform me of the change. So there I was, at 8 am on the dot, when I could have been just waking up. Grrrr. Oh well. Still got paid for the two extra hours, so it was alright.

Today, I worked again. Quiet day, which was good. I'm still crossing my fingers that they'll let me off next Saturday for the Illini game, but I'm not holding my breath. My manager said that if this Saturday went well, she'd think about it. This Saturday went well. Pleaseohpleaseohplease think about it!!

After work, we decorated the Christmas tree my parents got at the Jaycees lot today. It's purdy! I was veeeeeery sleepy, so I had two mugs of coffee, and then laid down for a nice two-hour nap. Now, you see, I am wide awake. But that's okay. We went bowling to celebrate Meghan's, Emily's and my birthdays tonight. It was so much fun! Quite a success, I should say. Many people showed up, and it was a good time. Let's see if I can remember... Greg, Tammy, Elenid, her friend Keith, Theresa and Dan, Melissa and Andrew, Jamie and Craig, Em, Frank, Meg, Anthony, Kelle, Tina, Megan, Dor, Erik, and some people I didn't catch the names of, but who were all really nice. I think people had a good time. Afterwards, a bunch of us went to Fridays for drinks, which was good also. Michelle, I'm so sorry you weren't feeling well and couldn't make it! We missed you. Next time fo' sho'!

And now, I'm home, and massively updating. I'm sure y'all are excited. Right? Heh.

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