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Nearing the end of November

I'm not going to be home tomorrow (my cousins are coming down from Wisconsin! Yay!), so I thought I'd say it now: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEGHAN!! The big 2-3. I'm still younger than you! Na-na-na-na-na-na!

Okay, I'll stop being twelve, and revel in my last week of being twenty-two.

C, I did get the tape. Last night (our mail comes after 6 pm now... CRAZY!). Thank you!! I didn't have time to watch it, between Friends and ER and all that, but soon. :) I can't wait to see it!

The end of the year is always totally nuts. I'm feeling stressed already! I want to get my Christmas shopping done before my vacation. I'll be spending the first part of the week visiting Aarti, and the second half visiting Heather. I'm so excited! A little bummed that I won't be able to go to Atlanta to see JC's show, but it wasn't meant to be. He'll just have to come to Chicago.

Dear JC,

Please come to Chicago with your solo!club!tour. I'd reallyreally appreciate it.


Ho, hum. I don't really want to go to work. I'm quite tired, and it just doesn't appeal to me today. Don't you wish that was a good enough excuse? "No, thanks, I don't think I'll work today. I'm not really feeling it." Heh.

On the other hand, it was 68 degrees yesterday, and is supposed to be in the 50's all weekend. How cool is THAT? It was such a wonderful feeling to go over to my little park and read my book at lunch yesterday, without a jacket, at the end of November. A-yup. Okay, work. Going now.

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