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Oo, real quick

Oh, for crying out loud, FOUR. I'm spamming my own blog. This is getting ridiculous. But I JUST remembered. <.giggle>

I finally, finally got a call back from the woman at MGM Scheduling. Whew. BIG sigh of relief. I was starting to worry. She was actually quite pleasant, which surprised me after what I have heard about her. I'm on the schedule to work the 2nd from 11-9. ::blink:: That's ten hours. Yeesh! I wanted a piddly little 8- or even 6-hour shift. Lol. Because Kate is a lazy butt who wanted to work simply so that she could get her ID back and get into the parks for free. <.g> Nah, it'll be good to be back. Although the only manager left is Laura, and she pretty much keeps to Mama Melrose's, and there are very few regular cast members I still know. Jessica was giving me the rundown today. So, sadness. And double sadness, Brandi's last day is the 31st. She's cutting her program short a couple days. So really, I'm just working with Jessica. Which will be fun, so I won't complain. =)

Woman at scheduling said she wasn't making up the schedule for the 6th yet, so to call her when I got in to Florida and she'd put me on at TSPP. Except, I'm not sure I'll call. I think I'll just look when I go in to work, and if I AM on the schedule for the 6th, I'll work, and if not, I'll help C move in to wherever she's moving in to. <.g> If my working one day's fine with them, it's fine with me.

So. Hotel has been reserved. Plane tickets have been purchased. Work has been notified, and thusly, ID will be obtained. I'm golden, yo. I'M GOING TO FLORIDA!! Whooooo!!

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