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I'm rich!

Book buyback is the greatest system ever. I mean, yes, keeping my books could be a good thing. Most of them are interesting, and someday in my life I may want to reference something I learned in college. But for the most part, at this point, the money I get back for them is more important. I have finished with three books. I spent $65.08, $65.39 and $61.15 on them respectively. I have gotten $42.75, $43.25 and $44.75 back, respectively. Dude. Usually if you get 50% buyback, you done good. Woohoo! I'm excited. I can buy Christmas presents now. Always a good thing. <.g> Sell one more book back and I think I'll be able to afford all the presents I have left on my list to buy. If not, I'll have to wait until I deposit my paycheck, but yes. Christmas shopping WILL get done.

My plans for the rest of the week:
Tonight: Call Amie, pay rent. RELAX.
Tomorrow: CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! And meeting with Amie?
Wednesday: Spend the morning studying for final, take final. Then RELAX and maybe pack some.
Thursday: To Eastern to visit Tammy
Friday: Continue packing
Saturday: Amie again? And the fam is coming down in preparation for graduation. Dinner 'n all.
Sunday: I walk. Wow. Four and a half years and my college experience will be OVER.

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