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Language lesson!

I have a new friend. *g* She's from Finland, and she's teaching me how to say things in FINNISH! See:

Hei, minun nimeni on Kate = Hi, my name is Kate.

JCllä on jyrisevä ääni. = JC has a rumbly voice (Shelley had on an interview and all I could her was rumble, rumble, rumble.)

Aivan = Exactly

saari = island

Haluan joutua autiolle saarelle JCn kanssa = I want to be stranded on a deserted island with JC.


Jag heter Kate och jag kommer från Chicago. = My name is Kate and I'm from Chicago

Jag älskar glittriga danspojkar. = I love sparkly danceboys (If I want to change that to like, it's "Jag tycker om glittriga danspojkar.")

Verkligen = really (or truly)

Ö = island (really, it does!)

Jag vill bli strandat på en odebodd ö med JC = I want to be stranded on a deserted island with JC.

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