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Do I have too much time on my hands?

Why, yes I do! I am FREE this weekend! Whoohoo!!! No exams, no papers, no nothing. So I'm doing this long-ass survey, stolen from Carolyn.

[My name is]: Kate
[wearing]: Bright orange U of I shirt, green Christmas boxers (I match... yeah!)
[listening to]: Radio... Eminem's newest, I think.
[thinking of]: Florida... getting a job... the future... those things occupy my mind a lot lately.
[in the morning I am]: Usually in a pretty good mood
[All I need is]: Happiness
[TO ME love is]: Something everyone needs, in one form or another
[if i could see one person right now]: Just one? There are sooo many people I miss lots and lots and lots.
[im afraid of]: Failure
[i dream about]: Ha. Everything. I'm a dreamer.

[Pictured your crush naked?]: Probably, but also probably not on purpose. Lol. I'm not a "naked" kind of person.
[actually seen your crush naked]: Nope, and I wouldn't want to. I only want to see someone naked once they are just a tad bit more than a crush.
[been in love]: No
[cried when someone died]: Yes
[lied]: This is one of those silly questions they put on personality tests and stuff, to catch how honest you are on other questions, or something. Yay for a social psych lab methods class. To answer the question, of course I've lied before.

[coke or Pepsi]: Coke. Diet, please.
[flowers or candy]: Flowers
[scruff or clean shaven (a guy)]: Usually clean-shaven, but there are certain guys who need facial hair. I think I've decided it's the mustache part of scruff I don't enjoy. Mustaches seem kinda sleazy to me.
[tall or short]: I don't think I have a cut and dry preference on this. I would say, generally, the guys I have been attracted to have been somewhere in the 6' range.

[what do u notice first?]: His smile... I'm a sucker for great smiles, and one of the hallmarks of a great smile is the way it makes his eyes look (all crinkly and happy), so by extension, his eyes as well.
[last person slow danced with]: Um... slow danced? Jeez! This is going to sound awful, but the last time I can remember an occasion for slow dancing was at the CP ball in 2000. Lol. I wonder if I've done it since then....
[Worst question to ask?]: Have you done this before? (I'm agreeing with you, C)

[makes you laugh the most?]: Aarti and I definitely crack up over the most random stuff. Shelley and I, too.
[who gives you a funny feeling when you see them?] I guess there are some people that, based on our history, I would rather not run into... luckily, usually, I don't.
[has a crush on you?] Horace in FL did... boy was that frightening. I always get the scary ones. =/
[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: Girls. Boys intimidate me. At least ones I'm attracted to do, and that doesn't bode well for me. =/

[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to IM you?]: Can't say I have, no.
[save aol/aim conversations]: I have once or twice, but I wouldn't say it's a habit.
[save e-mails]: The ones that come into Outlook, yep. Need to clean those out one of these days....
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: Only when it's that time of the month. And then I snap out of it and remember that being female is great. <.g>
[cried because of someone saying something to u]: Yes.
[fallen for your best friend]: No.
[been rejected]: Not directly, probably mostly because I don't do things *directly*.
[rejected someone]: Yes, but I'm pretty nice about it. ;)
[been cheated on]: Not that I'm aware of.
[done something you regret]: Oh, PLENTY of things. Even with my "no regrets" rule.

[you talked to]: If I'd answered this question when I started the survey, John, who called this morning, and I hadn't talked to in FOREVER. But Greg just called, so Greg.
[you hugged]: Aarti's mom. Heehee.
[You instant messaged]: Amy
[laughed with]: Aarti
[you kissed]: Oh goodness. My mommy and daddy kissed me goodbye when they left last weekend... heehee. Cop-out answer, I know.
[who broke your heart]: I have not had my heart truly broken, I don't think. I'm lucky to say I have always parted ways with people on good terms.

[kill]: No one.
[hear from]: I would have sad John before this morning! Gina. I'd like to hear from Gina.
[get really wasted with]: Aarti
[look like]: Ha ha. I could put together my perfect composite female, but I'm not sure there's one person I wish I looked like.
[be like]: Myself. There are a few things I'd like to work on, but generally, I like me.
[avoid]: I don't think anyone at the moment.

[A Vegetarian?]: Nope
[A Good Student?]: Usually.
[Good At Sports?]: My mom keeps telling me I'm athletic... I guess it depends on the sport, but the image I have of myself is a non-sports kinda person.
[An idiot?]: Um, yes. Lol. There are times.
[A Good Singer?]: I wouldn't use the word "good"... lol. I love to sing, but I'm the blend-into-the-choir type.
[A good Actor/Actress?]: Not at all.
[A deep sleeper?]: Not really. Well, sometimes. I didn't hear the fire alarm going off *in my room* once, and I almost never hear the phone when I'm asleep... so maybe I am. lol.
[A Good Dancer?]: Not at ALL.
[Shy?]: Yes.
[Outgoing?]: Yes. (And no, those two answers do not contradict each other, thank you very much. It's quite situation-dependent.)
[A good storyteller?]: I do not tell a good story. I ramble and lose track of the point. But I think I'm decent at writing one.

[color your hair]: No... I have use the one-month dyes on occasion in the past, and I've had highlights before, but I've never permanently dyed my hair.
[ever get off the damn computer]: Yep.
[habla espanol]: Less well than I'd like to. And I understand more than I can speak. That's something to work on, though.

[smoke]: Not once in my entire life.
[obsessive]: Um... Yeah. Ha ha ha.
[could u live without the computer?]: Of course. Would I want to? Probably not.
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 43 + 37. Um... 80? Lol.
[whats your favorite food?]: I like Chinese almost anything. And Mexican a lot of things. And (I'm learning) Indian a lot of things. But in general, I am a very potato-chicken-bread-cheese kind of person. I don't think I could live without those things in my diet.
[whats your favorite fruit?]: I'm on a mango kick these days.
[drink alcohol?]: On occasion.
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: Very much.
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?] Emotional.
[trust others way too easily?]: Yea, I do.


We are very similar :) hee hee amazing...yay! Thanks for doing it...its fun ey? :)

OOOH! ME! Posting! In your bog! Comments! OOh!! Sense the happy! and I love this survey! ANd COmments! WHOOO!!!!
*dances JOY of COMMENTS dance*

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