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I forgot about this in my last post. I was at Tammy's last night, and she had the radio out, and "Girlfriend" came on. Well, comments are made, ha ha ha, then it gets to the point where Kate can't keep quiet anymore and had to come out with a "now don't be mean!!" Of course, everyone turned on me and started teasing me. CFTC came up, and one guy (now this is the reason I'm posting this) said "Is that that thing in Chicago?" I turned and went "What thing in Chicago?" He said that he heard on the radio or something that Joey Fatone (and he had that whole name... for someone who thinks nsync is worthless, knowing Joey's full name makes me think maybe he did hear this somewhere) is hosting some kind of charity event in Chicago sometime coming up. That's all he knew. Didn't know what radio station he'd heard it on, when this thing was supposedly going to happen, nothing. Not to mention Joey's in New York all fall. I'm still completely out of the loop on NSYNC news, but has anyone heard about this? Or was he just totally confused?

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