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Pizza Planet

It's official. I'm working at Toy Story's Pizza Planet in MGM. Sunday night we went to House of Blues. It was fun. We ran into David and Lance (David's roommate) randomly, which was SO cool. I love David. But we got home at like 2. Then yesterday I went to On With the Show, our intro to MGM class. I had to be there at 7:30, so I set my alarm for 5:45. Or so I thought. It was 6:45 when my alarm went off. I was like "CRAP!!!" I didn't have time for a shower. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, pulled on some clothes and left. No breakfast, no nothing. I felt so totally disgusting all day long. I was extremely glad that there were no cute boys in my group. Lol. I did see Joaquin, though. I love Joaquin. He works in MGM/DAK catering, so their kitchen is the other half of our kitchen. Yay! I get to see Joaquin every day!

Today was my first official day of work. My costume's not too bad. They've changed them since I was last here. They used to be these blindingly bright orange one-piece jumpsuits. I don't know what they were supposed to look like... orange space men or something? Whatever. Now we wear black jeans (which, speaking as someone who has worn flare or boot-cut jeans for the last five or six years, are WAY too tapered for my taste, and either go up to my boobs or hang down to my knees, but that's tolerable, I guess) and this cute red button-down polo shirt with the little alien guy all over it. Heehee. And a spiffy Pizza Planet baseball cap. Not too terrible!

Work wasn't bad. All we sell is pizza and salads, so it's not incredibly difficult. I did dump an entire large Coke (not Diet... it had to be full-sugar) down my leg, which was oh-so-pleasant, and my arm was so sticky from moving drinks through the little drink holders that it stuck to the armrest in my car, but all in all the day went by relatively quickly and most people are really, really nice. And as added excitement, one of the men who works in catering is Johnny Wright's twin, I swear. All day, every time he walked past, I would practically stare at him. Lol. I'm sure he thinks I'm a total freak. But this afternoon when I was making pizzas with Jessica (a HUGE nsync fan), I asked her if she thought so, too, and she was like "That's the FIRST thing I thought when I saw him. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so!" I'm glad, too. Lol. It's almost eerie how much they look alike!

So that was my big excitement of the past few days. Tonight I'm off to Wal-Mart to buy black socks. WOOHOO!


From now on, you have to call them "David and Larry." Because if I keep reading "I ran into... Lance" in your blog, there'll be trouble. ;-)

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