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I just received my copy of The Reel *NSYNC and oh my gosh. I have not laughed so hard in a loooong time. Aside from the concerts, this has been, as Carolyn said, the best expenditure of my money this year to date. Between pixie sticks, giggle fits, bad lyrics, worse hair cuts... I could barely catch my breath I was laughing so hard. They are truly, truly dorks. All of them. In every sense of the word. So thank you, Joey and everyone else, for sharing that with us. Now I can say with all certainty that they are not all sex-god like they claim to be, but mostly twerpy, dweeby, all-around hysterical boys. <.giggle>


I can't believe that the one hour movie costed you 20 bucks. Oh well, it was hilarious adn amused you. So it is all good. Anyway, i will chat with you later and tell you all about my job search... exciting... or not.

It was one QUALITY hour, though. *g* It was worth it.

And yes, do keep me updated on the job search. Did you call any high schools?

Oh, I am *so* glad I finally ordered it the other day. I can't wait!!!

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