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Nikki and Alicia posted some excellent pictures from the Florida concerts. I'm so glad I can live vicariously through people, because when I look at my own would-be-wonderful-but-got-ruined pictures, I get sad. So I will just spend excessive amounts of time looking at JC as a Mouse.

In other news, it looks like Lance is going to space, on May 13. So that's good news for Lance, bad news for Lance fans this summer, but good news for Lance fans once that documentary gets released. <.g>

In even further news, I started reading a marathon story that I know for a fact I'm not going to finish until well into next semester. I don't have time with finals, I won't have easy access to a computer while I'm in Florida, and I'm a much slower reader than to finish thirty parts in the few moments I will have between getting ready to go to Florida. So. The kid is so cute though. And I think it might just have inspired our little Alicia E. to write another story. Perhaps. <.g> I'll keep ya updated on that.

And now I need to study. Time is slipping away. I'm meeting with Amie for the last time this semester at 5 to make dinner and play Sims. The girl's addicted. But Sim!Amie and Sim!Justin had a baby (Kayla) last time she was here, so we need to get her grown up into a child (which will be a feat in itself... their first baby got taken away by Child Services for excessive crying). Now-child Joshua (shut up, Rina made me name him that), the son of Sim!Kate and Sim!David, needs some friends. And fast. Poor kid. Anyway! Studying! Really! Yes!


Trust me, you don't want to hear me whine and bitch about the pictures that got away. I've ruined more rolls of film than I like to think about. So I definitely feel your pain.

On the other hand, if the universe was destined to allow me *just one* great shot from this tour, that Mouse pic is a helluva one to get. :-D

Hey, hey, hey! LOL I did not *make you name him Joshua. *g* I was joking when I suggested you name it after JC, and there you went. LOL

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. =oÞ You weren't giving me any other suggestions. lol.

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