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You know how things seem like a good idea at the time, but once they're over, all you can do is look at yourself, smack your forehead a few times, and mumble "what was I thinking" again and again and again? That's me right now.

Aarti and I went out for Chinese, and then I went with her to her art class to see her projects. We were a bit late, so we cut across this huge field. When we got to the other side, there was a fence. Not a hugely tall fence, but about shoulder-height. It had us completely boxed in and would have taken another five minutes (what's five minutes??) to get around. So Kate had the brilliant idea to jump the fence. (this is where the "What was I thinking?" comes in.) I was so smooth. I hopped up there all graceful and whatnot, threw my legs over, and jumped down. Only my jeans (my favorite, only-pair-I-wear, long enough jeans) decided they rather liked it better at the top of the fence. Riiiiiiiiip. From about mid-thigh straight up to the pocket, and all the way around the side. Huge gaping hole. In my favorite jeans. That I only bought a month ago. That I wear, like, every day. That are perfectly, perfectly worn in.

Sad Kate. =(

So I had an emergency shopping trip. With my car that now has the engine light on, which kind of worries me. I found a pair that were tolerable, that were on sale, and that are long enough. But they're not my favorite jeans. We don't have an Express down here, so I can't replace them. =( Ah well. That'll teach me to be all athletic-like and thinking I can hop fences.

On a more productive note, I completely scrubbed the bathroom. Like top-to-bottom, scrub-brush and all. Sink, tub, counter, toilet, floor. Go me!! =) On a less productive note, I didn't do my homework. The impromptu shopping filled the time I'd had allotted for that. Lol. There's always tomorrow.


Gah. I hate when that happens. No that I've ripped my favorite jeans while jumping a fence, but you know what I mean. Maybe you can find them online?

Lol, you've never torn your pants jumping a fence? What a shame! Everyone should have the experience. *g* I was thinking I might try to get them online. Or just wait until I go home and get them then. We'll see.

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