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I'm an American-pop fangirl
I listen to the top 40, I want to be just like Britney Spears and maybe even date a member of *NSYNC!

What kind of fangirl are you?
Okay, I followed Shelley's lead, decided I would not date a Backstreet Boy, and changed it to nsyncer instead. *g*


You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and belive strongly in your personal morals.

Find out your color at Stvlive.com!

I got took the quiz four times -- twice at lab and twice here. I got violet twice, orange (You are driven and optimistic. You strive to succede in life while lightening the mood of those around you. You do well at any job you put your mind to.) once and white (You are as honest and faithful as you can be. You strive for perfection in your life, and often expect it from those around you. You are very open-minded and quite innocent.) once. I'm probably a combination of the three. <.g> But blue is my favorite color... why didn't I get blue? lol

Okay, enough quizzes. Rina and Miggie have others that look like fun, but I gots work to do!


Hee! Violet's my favorite color, but I got blue. Wanna trade?

Lol!! Isn't that how things always work out?

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