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It's SEVENTY-THREE degrees today. Do

It's SEVENTY-THREE degrees today. Do you know how freaking AMAZING this is??? Usually it's, like, twenty degrees or colder. I think the only time in my life it's been even close to this warm was in 1982 when it was like 55 degrees on Christmas. And, yeah, I was two. <.g> Last year in FLORIDA it was colder than this. I distinctly remember huddling around a fire on New Years Eve, freezing whatever part of me that wasn't facing the fire off. Now, it will probably (even hopefully, though I don't know why, because I hate cold, but Christmas wouldn't be the same without it) will be cold by the end of December... But, yeah. It's December 5th and I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Outside. Without a jacket. Craziness!!

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