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Today was a busy day!

Today was a busy day! Whew! I got up, went to Jazzercise, came home, went to lunch with Jess, Kyle, and Elizabeth from Civiltech (GOOD to catch up with everyone, but Kyle forgot the pictures of her wedding dress... sadness. So I will have to go back after the cruise to see them). Went straight to Borders to get a gift certificate for Connor (this is the second year in a row I've gotten him in the grab bag... lol) and I ALMOST bought an *NSYNC planner which was half off, but I already have my I-Book, and I really don't need TWO planners, even if it was for only $7.50. Ah well. Then I came home and turned around and went BACk out shopping with my mom. I returned a sweater which made my boobs look HUGE (and I don't need any help in that department, thank you very much). Then I came home and turned right around to go to Emily's for the gift exchange. After Emily's, Dorothy, Eric, Michelle, Pat, Craig, Jamie, Nicole and I went out for a drink. Then I came home. I seriously haven't spent more than, like, an hour and a half total at home all day until now. Ha ha.

Oo, I have pictures. Carolyn sent them to me. =) Every time I get pictures here at this computer, I'm going to have to post them to my blog so that I can have them at school, also. And with that brings the added bonus of getting to share them with all of you! Be excited. <.g>

JC and Lance on the couch. I miss seeing JC smile like this. Now, he does that sexy half-smile thing, but I never catch this cute little "happy smile" anymore.
This one's for Shelley.
Just JC and Lance. See, Lance looks all happy and smiley, but JC's doing that half-smile thing. Ah well. Heehee. I won't complain.

Okay, that's all. G'night everyone!

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