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I am all about stealing

I am all about stealing today, apparently. This one I stole from Kristine. The Friday Five. What a good idea! Wondering if I need to be in some secret Friday Five Club to be answering these... oh well. They're fun. <.g>

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
Hmm. I survived a couple tough classes, both last spring and this fall. I made it through work this summer, which was a stressful, stressful thing. I started getting in shape 'n stuff, but that's kinda slipped the last month. Oops.

2. What was your biggest disappointment?
I've had a pretty satisfying year, truth be told. I think my biggest disappointment was actually September 11th, because my faith in humanity slipped a little then. It thankfully went back up again with all the pulling together everyone did. It's a give-and-take thing, though, because each time someone stupidly tries to do a mini-terrorist thing (like the guy with his explosive shoes), it brings me down a bit, and then the amazing reactions people have (coming together to stop mini-terrorist things) makes me feel better.

3. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions?
Probably. I want to start working out again. I've been doing it over break, and I know we did our little abs workouts every morning, but I want to keep that up throughout the school year. You with me, Shelley? <.g>

4. Where do you wish you were celebrating?
It's not so much where, but who with that I wish I could influence a bit. I'm quite excited to be going on the cruise, but I wish all my friends would be there, too!! One big par-tay on the blue-blue waters of the Caribbean with all my pals... now doesn't that sound nice?

5. What do you plan to do for New Year's Eve?
Not sure, exactly. I'm almost positive the Captain's Ball is that night. Regardless of whether it is or isn't, I know it's a Formal Night (we're having two... Yippee!!), so I get to dress up all pretty. Haven't done that since high school dances. Lol. Now if only I had a "special someone"... ha ha ha. In my dreams, right? Right. =)

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