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One class down. Doesn't look

One class down. Doesn't look TOO bad. But she said straight away "This is a reading-intensive course." Eww. I HATE reading for class. I would prefer going to class double the amount of times it actually meets to reading text books. Lol. Oh well. The thing is, we have 4-5 chapters plus 5-6 articles each week. And this is just one class! I haven't looked at the books or the packets to see how long each is, but I'm starting to think this one's going to suck a great proportion of my time. Hopefully all my classes aren't this reading-intensive!

Which brings me to my Semester Resolutions. Since I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions.
1. KEEP UP ON READINGS. Guys, if you think I might be slacking on this, whip me into shape, k? I have to keep up. Especially if I'm expected to read hundreds of pages each week, which it looks like will likely be the case. Ugh.
2. Talk to one new person in each class. I didn't do it today, but I still have Wednesday in this class. I'm sick of being the invisible girl who reads the Daily Illini and takes notes and doesn't interact with a soul. And I'm quite sociable when I know people in my classes, but I should be able to be friendly even when I don't. So, yes. I will talk to people I don't know. I might have to start a list of possible topics. <.g>
3. Do whatever it takes to feel good about myself. I hate being lazy. I hate feeling fat. I hate being tired all the time. And I hate feeling overworked and stressed. Therefore. I want to work out, which should take care of the lazy, the tired, and maybe a little of the fat. Lol. I want to eat better, which will contribute to the tired and the fat. And I need to schedule better, so that I can get my work done in a timely fashion and still have some "down time" for me. Right? Right.

Ready, break!

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