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I'm watching Real World Chicago

I'm watching Real World Chicago and I LOVE IT. I mean, I don't know about the people yet, but it is SO FUN to see everything!! They went to the top of the John Hancock Building... that's really a very cool thing to do. And cheaper than the top of the Sears Tower. Heehee. But your ears pop on the elevator ride up. And Navy Pier and Michigan Avenue, and the neighborhood they're living in is right by a theatre a friend of mine owns, and I know a couple people who live in that area... Very exciting. I'm just so excited to see all these stores and streets and everything that I know. Lol. I'm a big nerd. I know this. But seriously, it's so fun to see something and go "I know exactly where that is! I've been there a dozen times!" Lol. So little things make me happy. <.g>

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