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Alright, Shelley, I did it.

Alright, Shelley, I did it. Lol. She's been begging me to do this. Now, remember, this is based PURELY on fanfiction, not on their "real" selves, which I probably don't know as much about as I do about their fictional selves. Which changes things up some, and I'm forced to give answers I wouldn't so much if I was talking about their real selves (for which I think JC would be the answer to all three... lol)

Categorize Your Fandom Men In Three Categories:

1.- Sexiest: The one that makes you fan yourself, giggle, and say "what a man!" I'm going to stick with JC on this. Because he's always portrayed as this eternal romantic, but with those goofy little "JC Moments" that make you shake your head and laugh, just like in interviews. They're so endearing. And if I'm allowed to judge this on pictures as well as fic, I might have to throw in a little Justin when he's not trying to be sexy. Cuz trying-to-be-sexy Justin just... isn't. But then again, JC in pictures almost always is. So he wins. <.g>

2.- The Knight: The fairy-tale prince type who makes you sigh because men in the real world aren't like that. Okay, I'm going with Joey here. He's constantly doing these too-sweet things for everyone, and he's that teddy bear everyone runs to when they have a problem, in, like, every story. ha ha.

3.- The One I'd Most Likely End Up With: Judging from past and present relationships, who's the most realistic guy for you. I'd love to say JC. Maybe it would be him. This one's tough. But probably Lance. Fiction Lance is always portrayed as this shy, somewhat fumbling in the area of dating-type of guy, and that's SO me, so we'd probably both be hanging out in our respective booths while everyone else is paired up, and end up talking just out of convenience, or whatever, and the rest would be history. lol. (And I love how Shelley thought she'd end up with JC or Joey, and I thought I'd end up with Lance. Lol. Trade?)_

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