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I think I'm going to

I think I'm going to go crazy. I've only been in here (lab) for 40 minutes and I'm already falling asleep. Why did I go an hour less yesterday? Lol. Cuz I wanted to go out to lunch with Aarti and Shefali, that's why, but now I have to do 3 hours today instead of 2. I got here a little earlier than I needed to, so I have some time to play with if I need a break, but still. It's not even sunny outside. I love looking out the window and looking down on everyone on campus walking this way and that, but today, all I can see is grey skies and umbrellas. Not as fun to watch. I only have one class today, though, since my 2-hour statistics lecture was canceled, so that is a happy thing. And crap, I forgot to send my resumes. Darnit!! The one thing I wanted to be sure to do. That's what I get for getting 8 hours of sleep. My mind is mush in the morning. Lol. Okay, back to work...

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