About The Zoo

Why are we The Zoo? Good question. : ) Rina and Alicia were talking one day about the nicknames in the nsync slash world. Nik named them the Puppies (which we have adopted), Lance is a fish, JC is a kitten, Justin and Lance together are lambs...Alicia said it was a freaky little zoo. It stuck.

As you may have noticed, The Zoo is an archive of nsync slash fic by three authors, Alicia, Nydia and Rina. Occasional guest writers will pop up, as friends of the above authors. Stories of all ratings and couples will be posted here. If this isn't your cup of tea, say "bye, bye, bye" and head on out.

The page was designed by Rina, using Paint Shop Pro v.5 (yes, she is admittedly behind the times) with the font "Cool Dots." With the exception of the nsync photograph used in the welcome banner, all graphics were created and drawn by her. Some HTML was borrowed from other sites, but the design remains hers. Best viewed in 1024x768, not tested in Firefox, Mozilla or Opera.

To the Zoo // To the Authors