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"Hey, man," Lance said as he entered JC's living room, shedding his light jacket and dropping it on a chair.

"Morning, Lance," JC said cheerfully, not looking up from his hand.

Lance walked closer to the couch and leaned down to see what was so captivating. "Jayce. Nail polish?"

JC lifted his hand and wiggled the four polished fingers at him. "Yup." He grinned at Lance's raised eyebrows. "Oh, come on. I'm not the first guy to do this. Even Joey painted his nails for your movie."

"Yeah, but that was black," Lance reminded him. "Black is typical. This is shiny." He sat down on the coffee table, facing JC.

"It's shimmery," JC corrected him. "And look, see? It's blue. That's a boy-color, isn't it?"

Lance laughed. "JC, it's blue and purple. It's iridescent. It's girly."

JC eyed his finished nails critically, using his nail to clear an edge. "Well, I like it."

"Fine, whatever," Lance said, giving up. There was a silence as JC uncapped the small bottle and Lance stared at the glossy pale blue and lavender color gleaming on the brush. He sighed. "You're doing the wrong hand."

JC looked up, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"You're right handed. You should start by using your left hand to paint the right nails, so it's easier to do the second hand without smudging," Lance explained.

JC looked surprised. "Exactly how many times have you done this, sir?" he asked playfully.

Lance sighed. "Too many. It's my sister. She never remembered to do it right until she was at least half-way done with her left hand, so she would come to me, complain about the right way to do it, and make me finish her other hand."

JC laughed, delighted. "Fantastic. Because I'm about to finish this hand," he said, swiping the brush over his pinky nail, "right about now, and I could use some help with my other one. Interested?" He held up the stick.

Lance stared at it, wondering why he was hesitating. No, actually he knew why. He raised his eyes to meet JC's, which were crinkling and smiling at him. He took the brush and dipped it into the polish again. "Give me your hand," he directed.

JC beamed at him. "Thanks."

Lance worked in silence for the first two nails. He hadn't done Stacy's in a long time, but he had done it often enough that he still knew the drill. Start with a line in the center, fill out the sides, use his own nail to fix any drips. He was aware of JC's eyes on him, but kept his hands steady.

"You're pretty good at this," JC said finally. "Maybe I should make you do my other hand over."

Lance glanced at JC's left hand. "Nah, yours is fine. Can barely tell them apart." He swiped his nail next to JC's middle finger to pick up any extra and wiped it off on his jeans. "What brought on the nail polish?"

"Impulse buy. This morning at Walgreens," JC explained. "It just looked too cool. See?" He waved his left hand slowly in front of Lance, who watched it. "It's blue or purple, depending on the light. I never saw that before. Besides, I liked the name."

Lance glanced at the top of the wand. "Japanese Violet?" he asked, starting the fourth nail.

"Nope, the brand name. Sinful."

Lance looked up sharply and saw that JC was smiling at him again. He grinned back and then they laughed. "Yeah, that is a pretty good name," he agreed, grinning. "Now hold still." JC obeyed. "So does what does this mean? You're not going to turn into the first cross-dressing boyband member on me, are you?" He glanced up after finishing the nail.

JC looked down at his pastel capris and white shirt and smirked. "No more than I already have."

Lance grinned. "Fair point. And good to know."

"No skirts, though, promise," JC said, laughing.

"Which we all appreciate," Lance said. "There. All done." He capped the bottle and pushed it aside. "Look good?"

"Looks great," JC said, admiring them. "Much better than I would have done." He paused. "Um. Problem."

"What?" Lance asked.

"Itch. Itch. On my cheek. And my nails are wet," JC said, trying to use first the heel of his hand and then his shoulder, to no apparent success.

Lance laughed as JC tried to contort himself. "You goof," he said, amused. "Just hold still." He gently scratched at JC's cheek, using his nails lightly. "Better?" he asked, his voice hitching as JC nuzzled his cheek into Lance's hand.

"Much," JC said. "Thank you. Again." He turned his face a little and gave a quick kiss to the palm of Lance's hand.

Lance swallowed hard. "My, um, my pleasure."

"Hey, Lance?" JC asked. "Lance, I know that I'm sometimes too girly for you, but, um," he faltered.

"Oh, JC," Lance said softly. JC looked at him. "You're you. I like it. I wouldn't change you for anything." He leaned forward quickly, before he could lose his nerve, and kissed JC.

The kiss went on and on, and when they resurfaced, Lance prone on the couch with JC on top of him, Lance was smiling happily. JC returned it at first, but quickly frowned. "What?" Lance asked, worried.

"Um. This. Sorry," JC ran his hand down Lance's face and pulled it away to show Lance the sticky blue-purple streak now on his fingers. "It's in your hair, too," he said, picking at it lightly.

Lance felt a momentary twitch of horror before starting to laugh. "This is what I get for always saying I would never wear nail polish, I guess," he managed.

JC kissed him again. "I think so. You still have to redo my nails, though. After all, it's your fault that they got messed up," he pouted.

"Mine?" Lance said incredulously. "No way, mister. You started it with all of your itches and nuzzles and kisses. You're not pinning this one on me."

"Oh, yes, I am," JC said. "This, like me, is being pinned on you." He ground his hips lightly against Lance's, and Lance moaned at the pleasing friction.

Lance barely noticed JC's arm leave his neck, as he was too busy returning JC's kiss to pay much attention to the loss. There were, after all, more fun things to be paying attention to. Like the way JC's hips would roll if you tickled the back of his waist. He was enjoying that one when he felt something cold touch the base of his neck. His eyes flew open and met JC's, which were twinkling mischievously.

"C?" he asked, breathing hard.

"See, while I am not in any way complaining, it really was your fault that my nails got messed up. When you kissed me. So, there's only one thing I can do right now," JC told him.

"Kiss me back?" Lance tried.

"No, well, okay, that can come next," JC said. "First, though, I think," he lifted Lance's hand off his waist and brought his index finger to his mouth, placing it first on and then inside his lips, "I think your nails need a little decoration."

It took a second for Lance to register JC's words, too caught up in the feeling of JC's hot breath surrounding his finger. "Oh, no," he yelped as JC arched his back into one of his yoga positions to give himself more room to open the bottle of nail polish. Laughing madly and intent on escape, Lance wiggled his way out from under JC, rolling to the floor with a thump.

"Don't think I won't come down there after you," JC warned, trying not to laugh and still keep the bottle upright.

"You just try it!" Lance gasped, crawling to his knees and jumping to his feet. He ran towards the hallway, JC hot on his heels, brandishing the polish. Lance made a quick left turn and headed for the stairs, and after that, JC's bedroom. After all, if he couldn't manage to distract JC there, he could think of worse ways to celebrate his own defeat.

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