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I think I am certifiably

I think I am certifiably insane. But if I am, Aarti is right there with me. Heehee. We were learning the Flopping Fish today. Okay, so that's not AT ALL what it's called, but I haven't a clue what it really is called. You know that move where you're on the ground and you kind of... flop like a fish? Lol. I don't know how better to describe it. [Update: I have just been informed that it is called The Worm. But when we do it... it looks WAY more like a flopping fish than a worm. ha ha] The thing that prompted it was watching Diary of Britney Spears on MTV. She tries it in there. And she tried it in her VMA commercial this year. Well, anyway. Aarti and I were trying that. Which put us in hysterics. Some pictures were taken, which will NOT be pretty. Ha ha.

We have also <.gulp> been trying to learn Pop. I know, I know, we are SO STUPID. Lol. We've got most of it down... we just need to make it look GOOD. We're far better at Pop than at the Flopping Fish. <.g> Shelley took some pictures of us trying to dance to Pop as well... these are going to be frightening when they get developed! God, and if I ever, ever, ever by some random and completely insane chance ran into nsync somehwere... they would NOT know I tried to learn their dance. HOW EMBARRASSING. I am SO NOT all about being a freaky fan. Of course, everything on this blog would say otherwise... lol. But seriously. IF (and that is the biggest "if" ever) I were to run into one of the guys, it would NOT be in a fan situation. I wouldn't want to meet them in an environment where I am the fan and they are the celebrities. I would want to meet them someplace where we are equals and my fandom is NOT an issue. And in that case, since they would not know I am a fan, my trying to learn Pop will never be brought up, so ALL is good. <.g>

I need to stop talking about nsync so much on here. My entire life really doesn't revolve around five men I've never met and never will meet. Really, it doesn't. ha ha. They're just so much fun to talk about on here... damn. I need to stop being so dorky. Ha ha.

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